Barotrauma largely occurs inside submarines submerged beneath Europe’s ocean. At the start of each game, players are assigned a “job,” which can provide access to specialized features and equipment. The submarine crew is assigned a mission, which may involve transporting cargo from one outpost to another, hunting hostile underwater wildlife, or recovering alien artifacts. Players are then free to act at their discretion during the round, with few, if any, additional objectives provided by the game itself.
Various hazards frequently jeopardize the submarine’s voyage, such as hostile fauna, parasite outbreaks, and player-controlled traitors. Player incompetence can also be a source of disaster, as improperly maintained ship equipment (such as nuclear reactors or oxygen generators) can quickly render the submarine inoperable. Crisis management is a recurring theme in momentary gameplay, as players are implicitly encouraged to use their skills on the job to prevent and mitigate disaster.
In the event that the submarine’s hull is damaged, the water will begin to flood the ship, which damages underwater structures and significantly impedes the player’s movement; Without proper equipment, a player trapped in a flooded segment of the sub-gulf, or in areas with high water pressure, will be crushed via barotrauma. As the submarine effectively acts as a lifeline for its crew, an irreparably damaged ship often signals the end of a round.
The game provides single-player and multiplayer modes, which allow the Players venture into the vast unexplored depths of the ocean, taking on various tasks while managing resources, dealing with environmental hazards and hostile creatures. The game’s main gameplay mechanic revolves around cooperation between players to maintain life support systems, repair the submarine, and fend off enemy attacks. To improve their chances of survival, players can craft equipment and customize their submarines using a complex crafting system.
Main features
Some positives of Barotrauma Torrent
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