Sail around an island in an old train, upgrade it over time, and use it to fight an evil train terrorizing your home. Charles is hungry; Don’t be his next meal. The game is horror and its main enemy is a hungry train ready to attack you at any moment.
Navigate through a huge game area on your trusty old machine.
These Winding tracks are treacherous, so you’ll need to plan each mission very carefully. Be careful when walking or changing the direction of the tracks: Charles may be waiting for you.
Upgrade your train to suit your needs.
Get out scavenge for loot or complete missions to find “scrap,” which can be used to turn your train into a killing machine on wheels.
Receive help from the island’s inhabitants.
Help the locals in exchange for powerful weapons and other vital items to destroy Charles.
Fight Charles to the death.
Complete the main quest chain and summon Charles for a deadly duel . If you have enough strength, firepower and skill, Charles will finally meet his match.