Return to Monkey Island Torrent
Return to Monkey Island marks the unexpected and exciting return of series creator Ron Gilbert, continuing the story of the legendary adventure games The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge developed in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. He ventures into the high seas and explores the unknown while trying to escape difficult situations. Challenging puzzles, bizarre situations, and devastating blows stand between Guybrush and Glory.
Many years have passed since the last confrontation between Guybrush Threepwood and his archenemy, the zombie pirate LeChuck. Elaine Marley, the love of his life, is no longer interested in ruling and Guybrush is lost and dissatisfied, having never found the Secret of Monkey Island. Young, modern pirate leaders commanded by Captain Madison removed the old guard from power, which made Sopapo Island change for the worse, and famous businessman Stan was arrested for “marketing crimes”. with old and new friends on familiar islands, now under the control of dangerous new leaders.
Return to point and click piracy
Bringing classic point-and-click gameplay into the modern day, Fearless Pirates will solve puzzles and explore islands using a clever evolution of classic adventure game controls. Contextual interactions, a responsive dialogue tree, and an intuitive inventory system will make piracy a walk in the park.
Embark on archipelago adventures
Navigate the furthest reaches of not-always-friendly Sopapo Island, a familiar place now under the control of a new leadership giving work to old and new friends. Brave unknown lands, like the aptly named Terror Island and the frigid locales of Brrr Muda, to make new allies and enemies.
Created by a legendary team
The incredible conclusion to the Monkey Island series marks the iconic return of its creator, Ron Gilbert, joined by game co-writer Dave Grossman, art director Rex Crowle (Knights & Bikes, Tearaway), and composers Peter McConnell, Michael Land, and Clint Bajakian ( Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge).