Three years after the events at Beacon Mental Hospital, Sebastian Castellanos has left the Krimson City Police Department and continues to be haunted by his experiences at Beacon, the disappearance of his wife Myra, and the death of his daughter Lily in a fire. Sebastian is approached by his former partner and Mobius agent, Juli Kidman, who reveals that Lily is still alive, as Mobius faked her death. However, Mobius now needs Sebastian’s help to save it. Sebastian is taken to a secret Mobius facility where he meets the Administrator, who explains that Lily is being used as the Core for a new STEM system to simulate an idyllic city called Union. However, some time ago, Mobius lost contact with Lily and her agents within Union, and they no longer have control over STEM. Sebastian reluctantly agrees to help Mobius for a chance to save Lily and get into STEM.
Upon entering Union, Sebastian quickly realizes that the city has been transformed into a nightmarish realm where all the inhabitants have been killed. or mutated into bloodthirsty monsters. Additionally, Sebastian witnesses a mysterious photographer with supernatural powers hunting and murdering Mobius operatives. He manages to find Liam O’Neal, a surviving Mobius agent who helps Sebastian locate Lily. While following her trail, Sebastian realizes that Lily has been kidnapped by the photographer, who reveals himself to be Stephano Valentini, a serial killer who had managed to infiltrate Union. Another surviving Mobius operative, Yukiko Hoffman, explains that Stephano’s status as a psychopath gives him a certain control over STEM, granting him his powers. Sebastian tracks down Stephano, who reveals that he had initially kidnapped Lily on someone else’s orders, but decided to keep her for himself to explore her powers as a Core. Sebastian kills Stephano, but is shocked to see Myra take Lily away in spirit. When Sebastian wakes up, he finds that Esmeralda sacrificed herself to get him to safety. Hoffman tells him that Theodore has built his fortress in the center of Union. Sebastian and Hoffman attack Theodore’s fortress, but Hoffman is killed after helping Sebastian break into it. Sebastian then fights and defeats Theodore, who is killed by Myra. However, Myra tells Sebastian to quit STEM and leave her and Lily alone. Confused, Sebastian follows Myra to a recreation of her house.
Main features
Some positive points of The Evil Within 2 Torrent
- Immersive atmosphere: Terrifying ambience captivates the player.
- Chilling soundtrack: the songs accentuate the fear.
- Immersive story: mysterious and intriguing plot.
- Fluid gameplay: responsive controls and intuitive.
- Variety of enemies: different monsters make the adventure exciting.