The story focuses on the King of Fighters’ upcoming tournament, held after Verse’s appearance and defeat. Following Antonov’s early retirement, new tournament commissioner Anastasia sends invitations to combatants to participate in the tournament; The chaos caused by the powers of the verse resurrects several long-dead combatants from previous tournaments.
Chizuru Kagura reunites Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami to tend to the seal of the snake demon Orochi. Shun’ei, a teenager with mysterious powers similar to the verse, enters the tournament again alongside Meitenkun and Benimaru Nikaido to better understand his powers. During the tournament, they encounter a rival team led by a girl with similar powers to him, Isla. Isla is being mentored by a woman named Dolores who wants her and Shun’ei to stop the appearance of more creatures like Verse, believing that Ash Crimson, from Ash’s TimeTravel, in a previous tournament, caused her appearance. However, a new creature labeled Verse appears as the tournament progresses and targets the combatants, pulling them into another world. After Re Verse’s defeat, the mysterious goddess Otoma = Raga appears and attacks the teams. After the defeat of Otoma = Raga, the fighters escape back to their world and are crowned the new champions of the king of fighters.
Main features
Some positive points of The King of Fighters XV Torrent
- Stunning graphics
- Fluid combat
- Varied cast of characters
- Fun game modes
- Exciting story