Set in a cyberpunk version of Hong Kong, Wanted Dead, the story of Lieutenant Hannah Stone, one of the members of the strangely named zombie unit, who is an expert member of the Police Force and apparently on the outside told the police force at the same time taking the law into his own hands on several occasions. The story falls flat, a clear attempt to create a deep and subtle political thriller, with inexplicable factions, barely developed villains and heroes, and an ending that was as unsatisfying and frustrating as it was poorly implemented and written, but a story is always a thought after with the games from this Ilk.
The aforementioned influence of games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry will be immediately obvious to anyone who played them on the older generation of consoles, with the exaggerated melee combat for the most part gameplay, with an added if ineffective and difficult to use side of the gun game. Most of the time, it was much easier, faster, and more damaging to attack enemies with the many sword combos, compared to trying to use the few weapons to spread out the damage. The same could be said for the two types of grenades on offer, neither the standard frag’s incendiary would do much damage, meaning crowd control was a difficult notion.
This is the first of many intentional nods to older games, with enemies waiting their turn to attack as you dispatch and dismember your comrade just a few feet away in a flashy, excessive combo, often resulting in blood and body parts strewn across the floor. This would point to useless and ineffective AI of the NPCs, and this may be an accusation leveled at the developers, however it quickly becomes apparent that for the game to have its mix of sword and gunplay you need to sacrifice something, and while they can wait , the NPCs are hard-hitting if you give them a chance.
Main Features
Some Positive Points of Wanted Dead Torrent
- Stunning Graphics
- Stunning Graphics
- Exciting story
- Diverse game modes
- Customizable weapons
- Ever-changing environments
- Stunning Graphics